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Holistic Mind

Holistic Health - The Spirit of Wellness

When we experience imbalance on the physical, mental or emotional level, it simply means that on the Spiritual level, we are not in alignment with our highest potential.

If you can step out of the immediacy of a situation and see the experience symbolically, you can gain valuable insights into yourself, your health and your life. There are no set rules about what constitutes a ‘good’, ‘successful’ or ‘worthy’ life; we are all different and we need to live a life which is in harmony with our own individual self.

So, how Spiritually aligned are you with yourself? Try the following exercises to tune in and connect to your Higher self and purpose.

–  What makes you happy? What makes you feel really good, fun and happy deep inside? It could be something as simple as walking up a mountain or dancing and singing at the top of your voice, or it may be something as grand as volunteering for a charity or investing in an organic farm. It doesn’t matter how ‘selfish’ or ‘altruistic’ it appears to be. All that matters is that you discover what makes you feel really good. So make a list of the things that you enjoy and which make you feel joy, and then make a point of doing them on a regular basis.

–  Another great list to make is a Gratitude List and it is a wonderful exercise to do first thing upon awakening in the morning. While you are still lying in bed, make a mental list of all the things in your life that you are grateful for; general things as well as specific things which are relevant to that day or week. Feel the gratitude and joy at having these things/people/experiences in your life deep within. If you would like to, afterwards is a great time to make a wish for something which you want to attract into your life. Wish only for one thing and then imagine having it and experiencing it and really feeling the joy and gratitude at having it in your life. If you practice this every day, you may be amazed at what you can manifest!

–  If you are currently experiencing any illness or disharmony in your life, take a step back and try to see it symbolically. Instead of feeling resentful or punished, see it as an opportunity: your Higher self is giving you a clear message that something in your life needs to change. Have a think what it may be and listen to what your inner voice is telling you with an open mind and an open heart. If you want to delve deeper into the symbolic meaning of illness and experience, look out for the book, ‘Sacred Contracts’ by Caroline Myss.

–  Take some quiet time each day to simply tune into yourself. You can listen to some soothing music, take a silent walk in the park or lie on a cushion with a crystal on your forehead; whatever helps you to be still and feel connected. Ask yourself how you are feeling or if there is anything you should be doing differently. Listen to the answers that come up and then follow any advice or inclinations you receive.

You can read more about holistic health and wellness on Christina’s website, www.anamwellness.com or visit her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/AnamWellness. Christina can also be contacted through Atmanjai where she offers her services and treatments.

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