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The Importance of a Healthy Liver

Many people feel that they need to detox their Liver and keep it in good, clean, working order. And they are absolutely right!

Physiologically, the Liver is responsible for detoxifying, filtering, nourishing, restoring and storing blood amongst a host of other complex and essential functions. It is also intimately connected to our emotional well being through its role in neutralizing the hormonal secretions related to emotional responses.

In the process of filtering our blood, it chemically counteracts toxins which enter the blood and eliminates them through bile which is then discharged into the small intestine so the toxins can be passed through to the colon and eliminated. Bile is also responsible for the healthy breakdown of fats and oils, and when it is too ‘toxic’ it is unable to do this, making it harder for us to correctly process the fats in our diet.

These toxins are either exogenous (from external sources such as food additives, pollutions, pesticide residues on our food, antibiotics in our meat, etc.) or endogenous (from internal sources, resulting from physiological, hormonal and emotional responses within the body which are no longer needed).

A healthy liver neutralizes the toxins and passes them on for elimination through the bowels. An over loaded liver is unable to complete the job and then the toxins are ‘filed’ away to be dealt with later when the body has a chance to cleanse/detox. These toxins can be stored in the liver or in the fatty tissues of the body and if allowed to build up over time, can result in cysts, skin eruptions, menstrual irregularities, emotional instability and a range of other symptoms.

Blood is stored in the liver at night, which is our natural time to cleanse and detox our body of the day’s physical, mental and emotional toxins. Often in modern times, we prevent this from occurring due to poor diet, blocked emotions, stress and unbalanced lifestyle. Often when we wake up feeling groggy in the mornings, it is because our Liver has not been able to properly cleanse and filter during the night.

  • A healthy Liver is important to overall health and it is a good idea to keep it in good working order:
  •  don’t overeat – this is one of the worst things you can do for your Liver as it seriously congests the energy, or Qi, of the Liver.
  •  include a balanced proportion of raw vegetables in your diet, the right amount for your body type, lifestyle and environment.
  • include a good serving of fresh, dark leafy greens everyday. Lightly steamed these are great for the Liver.
  • make sure you get enough rest throughout the day, balancing your activity and rest.
  • don’t go to bed immediately after eating a full meal – give yourself time to digest your evening meal before you go to bed.
  • get to bed before 11pm – the Liver and it’s companion organ the Gall Bladder are most active and are best able to carry out their cleansing and restoring functions from 11pm to 3am, when we are fast asleep in bed.
  • start the day with a glass of warm water with fresh lemon juice. If you can, add in 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder as this is a great herb for the Liver, and 1/2 tsp of ginger to harmonize and stimulate the digestive processes.
  • give time each day to check in with your emotions and how you are feeling to prevent them building up. Find creative ways to express yourself, through journaling, art, dance, music, fashion, cooking, or whatever you feel is the best way for you to express you.

You can contact Christina for more information about the Liver and how to keep it healthy and well through her website, www.anamwellness.com or on her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/AnamWellness

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